Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Same Sex Marriage Case

     I honestly think that this court case was very pointless, because this same sex couple could’ve easily just went and asked another photography company to take a video of their wedding, that would be just fine with them being the same sex. But I also think that it is kind of dumb that they were refused by a photography company due to them being the same sex, because of the photographers religious beliefs. The photographers still would have got money from the couple, so I think the photographers should of just gotten over it, and dealt with it.
I don’t think this should of got brought to court, but I do think that the judge should of listened to the case a little more, rather than dismissing it so fast, since the couple did take this far enough to take it to court. This same sex couple was discriminated against their gender and that is violating the Federal Civil Rights act of 1964.
Overall, I believe that this should not have been brought to court. I  believe that it was very pointless and that the same sex couple should of just found another photography company to record their wedding for them.

Monday, September 25, 2017

First Memory / First Lie

My first memory:
     My first memory that I can remember is going to visit my relatives at their house in Montana. They built their house on a really big mountain, with no electricity, and an out house for a bathroom. I think the reason I remember this very clearly is because driving up the mountain to get to their house is really scary. The roads are really narrow and if you look out your window, it's just a big drop off. I think another reason I remember it very clearly is because of how weird it was staying in a house with no electricity or bathroom right inside the house. I think I was about 4 or 5 at the time.

My first lie:
   The first lie I remember telling was probably when I went to daycare with Lincoln Dinger. I was probably about 5. I was in the kitchen of the house, trying to pour myself a glass of milk (without permission) and I was really little and was having trouble, and accidentally tipped the jug of milk completely over and spilled it all over, and ended up blaming it on Lincoln because I didn't want to get into trouble.

Amending the 2nd Amendment

The second amendment states that: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." 

I would like to add onto the 2nd amendment that before purchasing a gun for yourself, you should be required to take a class and pass a test on gun safety. 

2nd Amendment Amended: 

Section 1: 

 "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

Section 2: 

"In order to obtain arms, United States Citizens must have been certified by the United States Government through a firearm safety test." 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Teaching an Amendment

19th Amendment
1)    The 19th Amendment states that no one can be denied their vote by the United States or any state because of their sex. 
2)     The purpose of this amendment was to guarantee women the right to vote once they turn 18. By the 20th century, in America, a women's role was really changing. Women were working more, getting a better education, and many states had authorized female suffrage. 
3)  "Female Suffrage" - The right of women to vote (19th Amendment) 
       a. This amendment was made so that everybody had the equal right to vote. 
       b. This amendment just means that once a woman turns 18, they have the right to vote. 
       c. There really aren't any recent issues dealing with the 19th amendment. 

Monday, September 18, 2017

unconditioned stimulus: the happy girl and boy with nice smiles
conditioned stimulus: Marlboro cigarettes 
unconditioned response: being happy 
conditioned response: being happy while smoking a cigarette