Tuesday, November 14, 2017


               In recent studies, researchers have came to the conclusion that by doing aerobic exercises, you can actually improve your memory function and keep a more steady health for your brain as you age. This study was discovered by researchers at Australia’s National Institute of Complementary Medicine at the Western Sydney University, Division of Psychology,  and the Mental Health at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom.
                The first thing the researchers did was that they studied the effects that happened after doing aerobic exercises on the part of the brain called the hippocampus, which is a very important part of the brain for memory. It has been proven that as you age, your brain health gets worst, as the average brain shrinks about five per cent per every 10 years once you turn 40. By doing studies on rats and mice, it has been able to prove that exercise increases the size of the hippocampus, but up until now, the evidence we have gained from humans has not been consistent.
                A researcher by the name of Mr. Firth came to the conclusion that, “When you exercise, you produce a chemical called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which may help to prevent age-related decline by reducing the deterioration of the brain.” Mr. Firth also stated that the results have also proven that they are able to help prevent things like Alzheimer’s and dementia, but more research is going to need to be done to know for sure.

                Overall, the data was able to show that instead of the aerobic exercises actually increasing the size of the hippocampus, the ‘brain benefits’ that it gains are because of the aerobic exercises “slowing down the deterioration in brain size”. It has been proven that physical exercises is one of the only ways you can help maintain your brain size and the way it functions when you start to get older. 

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Same Sex Marriage Case

     I honestly think that this court case was very pointless, because this same sex couple could’ve easily just went and asked another photography company to take a video of their wedding, that would be just fine with them being the same sex. But I also think that it is kind of dumb that they were refused by a photography company due to them being the same sex, because of the photographers religious beliefs. The photographers still would have got money from the couple, so I think the photographers should of just gotten over it, and dealt with it.
I don’t think this should of got brought to court, but I do think that the judge should of listened to the case a little more, rather than dismissing it so fast, since the couple did take this far enough to take it to court. This same sex couple was discriminated against their gender and that is violating the Federal Civil Rights act of 1964.
Overall, I believe that this should not have been brought to court. I  believe that it was very pointless and that the same sex couple should of just found another photography company to record their wedding for them.

Monday, September 25, 2017

First Memory / First Lie

My first memory:
     My first memory that I can remember is going to visit my relatives at their house in Montana. They built their house on a really big mountain, with no electricity, and an out house for a bathroom. I think the reason I remember this very clearly is because driving up the mountain to get to their house is really scary. The roads are really narrow and if you look out your window, it's just a big drop off. I think another reason I remember it very clearly is because of how weird it was staying in a house with no electricity or bathroom right inside the house. I think I was about 4 or 5 at the time.

My first lie:
   The first lie I remember telling was probably when I went to daycare with Lincoln Dinger. I was probably about 5. I was in the kitchen of the house, trying to pour myself a glass of milk (without permission) and I was really little and was having trouble, and accidentally tipped the jug of milk completely over and spilled it all over, and ended up blaming it on Lincoln because I didn't want to get into trouble.

Amending the 2nd Amendment

The second amendment states that: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." 

I would like to add onto the 2nd amendment that before purchasing a gun for yourself, you should be required to take a class and pass a test on gun safety. 

2nd Amendment Amended: 

Section 1: 

 "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

Section 2: 

"In order to obtain arms, United States Citizens must have been certified by the United States Government through a firearm safety test." 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Teaching an Amendment

19th Amendment
1)    The 19th Amendment states that no one can be denied their vote by the United States or any state because of their sex. 
2)     The purpose of this amendment was to guarantee women the right to vote once they turn 18. By the 20th century, in America, a women's role was really changing. Women were working more, getting a better education, and many states had authorized female suffrage. 
3)  "Female Suffrage" - The right of women to vote (19th Amendment) 
       a. This amendment was made so that everybody had the equal right to vote. 
       b. This amendment just means that once a woman turns 18, they have the right to vote. 
       c. There really aren't any recent issues dealing with the 19th amendment. 

Monday, September 18, 2017

unconditioned stimulus: the happy girl and boy with nice smiles
conditioned stimulus: Marlboro cigarettes 
unconditioned response: being happy 
conditioned response: being happy while smoking a cigarette 

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Scientific Analysis Assignment:
#1 - https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/08/170823102555.htm
1)      This article is about researchers studying and came to the conclusion that smokers in stop-smoking programs claim that they have quit smoking, when a lot of them really haven’t.
2)      4,206 subjects were used in this experiment
3)      It doesn’t say if there was a control group or not.
4)      They used participants from “five large smoking cessation clinical trials in the US that enrolled smokers at hospitalization.”
5)      They had the participants take a survey and gave them a usable saliva sample to use to prove that they haven’t smoked within the last seven days.
6)      Most of the ones who failed the usable saliva sample test didn’t respond to any messages from the researchers after knowing they failed the test.
7)      Yes, they did.
#2 - https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/08/170802092002.htm
1)      Psychologists did research and came to the conclusion that most men that are gamblers probably suffered some sort of abuse or witnessed abuse as a child.
2)      More than 3,000 men
3)      It doesn’t say if there was a control group or not
4)      They weren’t specifically chosen. It say the men that took the survey were on a “variety of life factors.”
5)      The experimenters asked questions to see if the men that were tested were abused or seen any abuse happen as a child.
6)      The men who gambled acted more violently.
7)       Yes, they did.
#3 - https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/08/170810145713.htm
1)        Researchers found out that using a mouse model for human bullying effects everyday things like sleeping patterns.
2)      It doesn’t say how many mice were used in this experiment.   
3)      It doesn’t say if there is a control group or not.
4)      They just used mice that were young and small and mice that were old and big.   
5)      They took the little mouse and put it in the big mouse’s home cage. When the big, old mouse saw the little mouse in its territory, it chased the little mouse. Eventually, the big mouse traps the little mouse between it and the wall, acting as a bully. Then the mice are separated and this is repeated for 10 days straight, except using a different mouse every time.  
6)      They experienced big changes in sleep patterns, and some had “flattening body temperatures.”
7)      Yes, they did.
#4 - https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/07/170719084710.htm
1)      Researches did research on why some women are able to go through menopause without being emotional and some are emotional.    
2)      More than 1,300 women
3)      It doesn’t say if there was a control group or not.
4)      They chose regularly menstruating premenopausal women from ages 42 to 52.
5)      They mainly focused on finding out the effect of estradiol.
6)      They react more “depressed” during and after the transition of menopause.
 7)      Yes, they did.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

1) My favorite word is: eloquence
2) My least favorite word is: regurgitate
3) One thing I do like about my life is: how my friends and family are always there for me.
4) One thing I do not like about my life is: having to wake up early for school everyday
5) One profession I would like to attempt is: Nursing
6) One profession I would never attempt is: Taxi driver
7) 3 words to describe me: funny, caring, clumsy

      Coming into this class, I knew it was going to be very difficult, but I was still really excited to take it. From what I have heard from people with experience in psychology, this class definitely won't be easy, but I think that it is really going to be worth it. I think that this is going to be a very interesting class and it will help me better understand not only myself but the people around me too. I would find it very interesting to learn why people react to certain things the way that they do and why certain people understand things easier or better than others. I am hoping that in this class, I will learn more about mental illnesses and understand why only certain people have certain illnesses and others do not. I think that having Mr. Reints as a teacher in this class is good because he teaches more with a college like feel so I would be more prepared for this class if I were to take it in college. I have considered going to college for psychology so I think that taking this class in high school would definitely help me to choose which career path I decide to take in my future, also.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Asian Auschwitz
                After reading this article, I was sick to my stomach. I will never understand how a person can do such inhumane things and get away with it. The Anti-Epidemic Water Supply and Purification Bureau, also known as “unit 731”, ran by a terrible man named Shiro Ishii has to be one of the most terrible things I have ever heard of.
                This organization was beyond sick. I believe that these people were doing much worse things than the Nazis. The humans that were held there were known as “maruta” but they were more commonly called “logs” because people thought that Unit 731 was a lumber mill. The way that these people got treated is unimaginable. I could never even imagine how scary and painful it was for them. The torture that they got was beyond inhumane. Things like getting hung upside down to see how long it would take for them to choke and die were done. They also did some experiments like exposing phosgene gas to their lungs to see the effect it had on them.
                Sometimes, the prisoners would get taken into a room and the worker would take out a scalpel and dissect them piece by piece, while they are very alive. They would finally die once they got to the heart. It said that when the prisoners were getting taken to a room to basically get torn apart, they wouldn’t even fight it. They wouldn’t fight it because they were very aware that they had absolutely no chance at living. So they would let the worker strap them down without freaking out. They began to scream once the surgeon got the scalpel out. They screamed and screamed but eventually it stopped. I could never imagine how terrible that would be, knowing that it’s the end of your life and there is nothing that you can do about it, and even worse. . . you are going to get killed in one of the most painful, inhumane ways possible. How terrible would that be?
                Ishii and his men were doing their terrible experiments on all kinds of people. For example: Chinese, Koreans, Soviets, Mongolians, and they also had plans to poison American cattle so they would become worthless and possible even kill thousands of American’s because of disease. They also had a plan to send a Kamikaze bomb to San Diego with lots of airplanes before the war was finished. Ishii and his men killed approximately 12,000 men, women, and children, and not one person from their facility got out alive. What I still am having a hard understanding of is how in the world was a murderer of 12,000 people able to live his life without getting into trouble with the law? He should’ve been caught and sentenced to death.

                This story has me very shocked, seeing how truly insane some people are. I will never understand how someone can possibly be that terrible. Everything that Ishii did was beyond sick, and there was absolutely no explanation for it.