Monday, January 15, 2018

Freaks & Geeks

1) Thoughts and ideas from the pilot episode 
By judging the pilot episode, I really liked this show. It is good to watch and it also has lots of good messages in it.
-Conflict theory: Jeff trying to make Lindsay join the math contest instead of getting in trouble
-Functional theory: Lindsay actually having fun at the dance
-Symbolic interactionism: Jeff telling Lindsay that she can't call him Jeff anymore
2) What are the groups and what functions do they serve? Are there negative influences from any of the groups (dysfunctions)? 
-The geeks - they are brave because they stand up to their bully and one of them has the guts to ask the girl to the dance.
-The bullies - they are mean because they pick on people for no reason.
-The jocks/populars - some of them are mean
-The freaks - they are brave because they fight the bullies
Yes, there are negative influences from the bullies.
3) Who has power in the episode? How or why do they have power? How do they use it?
Lindsay has the power in this episode because she has enough confidence to stand up for herself and the people around her. She uses it in a good way by sticking up for people.
4) What are the important symbols in this episode? How do the characters act based on the symbols they find important?
-The nerds struggling with being bullied - they fight their bully
-Lindsay struggling with a little of everything - she just accepts her punishment, and then she dances with the autistic boy that she somewhat caused to break his arm
-Lindsay's brother struggling to find a date to the dance - Even though he got turned down by the girl he asked, he still got to dance with her at the dance.
5) Can you relate any of these theories to your own life? How can the things you do be interpreted through one of these theories? 
Yes, the conflict theory, because I'm really bad at decision making. I'm always in conflict with myself.

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